Here is a famous song (the score of Fellini's film Giulietta degli spiriti) performed by the great Katyna Ranieri, chosen to enhance the sublime beauty of legendary actress Caterina Boratto (who starred in that movie).
Caterina Boratto (born in 1915 in Turin, Italy - d. in 2010) was an Italian film actress. She appeared in 50 films between 1937 and 1993. Her first director, Guido Brignone, found some difficulties to persuade her family: they did not want their daughter to become an actress. In 1938, after having been successful in the movie Vivere! (1937, in which she played the daughter of the famous tenor Tito Schipa, the main character of the movie), Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer tycoon Louis B. Mayer offered Boratto a contract. She was invited to Hollywood (there she met Scott Fitzgerald, Marlene Dietrich, Spencer Tracy, Lana Turner, Dorothy Parker) where she was groomed to be the new Jeanette MacDonald but nothing came out of it and Boratto soon grew impatient. She decided to return to Italy just after the war was declared. She still made some films (i.e. Campo de' fiori, 1943) before stopping her career. She later return to cinema, appearing in emblematic roles in great movies, such as Fellini's 8½ (1963), Giulietta degli spiriti ("Juliet of the spirits", 1965), Alessandro Blasetti's Io, io, io... e gli altri ("Me, me, me... and the others", 1966), Sydney Pollack's Ardenne '44: un inferno ("Castle keep", 1969), Diabolik ("Danger: Diabolik", 1967), Il tigre ("The tiger and the pussycat", 1967, with Vittorio Gassman and Ann-Margret), Le orme ("Footprints on the moon", 1975, with Klaus Kinski), Pasolini's most controversial movie Salò o le 120 giornate di Sodoma ("Salo, or the 120 days of Sodom", 1975) and many others. Having a fine voice, she has still played in operettes, in theater (mostly Pirandello) and on TV. Gifted with a strong personality, she was also a great sportswoman, practicing fencing, horse riding and swimming. Her daughter, Marina Ceratto, has written a book about her mother, The dreams' vessel, which is presented as follows: “From 1910 to our own day: the true novel of a passionate life through two world wars and many tragedies. Caterina Boratto, who in the thirties costarred in Hollywood with such actors as Spencer Tracy, Clark Gable, Mirna Loy, Greta Garbo, has a very strong temper, and was never defeated by any big problems. Her daughter, Marina Ceratto, tells a story that could be the symbol of the twentieth-century woman. A very interesting book. From its pages could come out a first-class movie of adventures, intrigues and love.”
Enjoy Caterina Boratto's aristocratic beauty!
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